Singapore wholesale fresh cut fruit supplier | Online delivery

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Cut Fruit Box
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$2 onwards -
Fruit Gifting Box
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$20 onwards -
Fruit Gifting Box
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$20 onwards -
Fruit Gifting Box
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$20 onwards -
Peel Jackfruit
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$15 onwards -
Pack Fruit
$2.00 Add to List -
Pack Fruit
$2.00 Add to List -
Assorted mini rainbow
$3.00 Add to List -
Delights Combo $6.50
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(avocado, kiwi, orange,apples,pear) -
Exotic Cut Fruit
$5.00 Add to List
about us
Hock Hoe Hin Pte Ltd, a well-established, well-known Singapore fruit wholesale dealer of tropical fresh fruit, was founded since the 1970s. We are specialized in the supply assorted pack fruits, cut fruit and fruit baskets for Home, Office and Market. Our Singapore customers include supermarkets, restaurants, food courts, offices, schools and community centers.

Browse through our fresh fruit categories and pick a service. We will have it freshly delivered to your door!
Christmas Event
Fruits have become the reason for celebration all around the world. Different colors, shapes and sizes with mouthwatering tastes, each of the fruits deserve to be celebrated. Check out a few fresh fruit services this Christmas.

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year’s day calls for celebration including traditional performances dances and eating reunion dinners with family that are made better with our assorted fresh fruit options.
Mid Autumn festival